Many of those same people however don't have the time, capital, and more importantly the knowledge on how to effectively run a business of any sort let alone start their own. That's where network marketing comes into play
Becoming an Entrepreneur
When considering becoming an entrepreneur a few things have started to happen. First, you are probably realizing that you were not born with a W-2 form attached to your birth certificate.
Second, working a job is okay initially if all you want to do is make a living, but is not ideal if you're trying to make a life.
And lastly, you really are not control of your own income if you're working for someone else. You've heard the famous joke about the guy who said he was his boss's right-hand man and as such could not get fired. Well soon after that statement his boss got left-handed really quick.
So what business could you start? How do you know what type of business or industry you want to get into? Where do you learn what it takes to be an entrepreneur and business owner?
You might want to consider network marketing as this business model will answer all those questions and then some.
An Entrepreneurial Shortcut: Network Marketing
Robert Kiyosaki is an investor, businessman, self-help author and motivational speaker and is best known for his Rich Dad, Poor Dad series of motivational books and other material.
In his book, Business School, he affirms: "If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a network marketing business." Strong statement from one of the world's most sought after entrepreneurs and business minds.
But what is it about Network Marketing that makes it so attractive and why should it be the first choice for people looking to get into business?
Here are some key reasons why network marketing is very attractive to new entrepreneurs.
Most network marketing businesses are very easy to get involved in and typically have a very low start-up cost. So there is no real risk of losing any money at the forefront and if you find the business is not exactly what you were looking for there is usually a money-back guarantee on your registration. Investing millions of dollars in a franchise just to get it off the ground is much more daunting than a couple of hundred bucks to get started in your own business.
Training and Support System
Most people don't have any knowledge on how to build a business of their own because no one is taught how to do this in any formal form of education. The education system is set up to teach people how to get a job and is more focused on developing skills. Jobs require skills but business ownership takes mindset. Most network marketing businesses have very extensive personal growth programs and support materials to help you make that transition from a job mentality to a business-ownership mentality. I recommend not focusing on the products of the business but their education program. Even if you do not make much money with your involvement, the education you receive will be worth the time invested.
Low Risk
Network marketing businesses are designed to be built during the spare time of the person looking to become an entrepreneur. So it is not possible to participate in a lot of these businesses full time like a conventional business or job. Because of this, there is no risk to what you may be currently pursing as a profession. It takes much more risk to totally stop your current form of income to pursue something that you have no real knowledge about with no guarantee of income in the future. A network marketing business will give you that flexibility to keep your day job but create the lifestyle you really want during your spare time. The famous saying is "You make a living from 9 to 5, but a life is made from 5 to 9."
No Limit to Potential Earnings
Once you understand how the business is run there is no limit to how much income you can create in a network marketing business. Because most of these businesses are focused on direct sales of products and services, you can outperform any distributor based on your own work ethic and your own effort. It is strictly performance based.
This is usually tough for most people who are used to showing up to work, surfing the internet for 8 hours and then getting paid at the end of the week for doing an average job at work. Networking marketing will teach you the hard lesson about what real business is about: you want a raise, you give yourself a raise. If you're not making money it is no one else's fault but your own.
How to Choose a Network Marketing Business to Partner With
Robert Kiyosaki also encourages people not to focus so much on the products that a network marketing business offers but to focus on some of the more intangible characteristics. In his book Business School, he affirms once again that he endorses any network marketing organization that is "first committed to developing you as a human being, more than developing you into a salesperson."
He reiterates that people should seek organizations that:
- Are proven organizations that have successful track records and a distribution system and a compensation plan that has been successful for years.
- Have a business opportunity you can succeed with, believe in and share confidently with others.
- Have ongoing, long-term educational programs to develop you as a human being. Self-confidence is vital on the right side of the Quadrant.
- Have a strong mentor program. You want to learn from leaders, not advisers. People who are already leaders on the right side of the Quadrant and want you to succeed.
- Have people you respect and enjoy being with.
According to Kiyosaki if the organization meets these five criteria, then and only then look at its product. Don't take my word for it, take his. Good luck!
1 comment:
I love your enthusiasm and passion. Energy like this is missing from the 'business world' in general and definitely the entrepreneurial blogsphere. You actually have 'fun' writing these articles and sharing all this knowledge. It's inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing.
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